How do I calculate Body Mass Index Body Mass Index is a simple equation that takes into account the height of the person and their weight. It is calculated as BMI is kg / m 2 where kg is the person's weight in kilograms, while the m 2 refers to their height in metres squared. It is a BMI in the range of 25.0 or more is considered overweight and healthy can be 18.5 up to 24.9. BMI is a common occurrence for people aged between 18 and 65. Who shouldn't use BMI calculators? BMI calculator BMI is not a suitable measure for muscle builders and long-distance athletes, pregnant women, the old or young children. This is because BMI does take into account consider what percentage of the body weight carried on muscles or as fat, it's just the amount. Those with a higher muscular mass, like athletes, could have a higher BMI but not be at greater health risk. The people with a lower mass, such as youngsters who haven't completed their growth or who are losing musc...
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